What Makes Freeport Welding Different from Other Fabricators?
Freeport Welding is the technological leader of its industry. We’ve developed a system of fabrication over the last 40+ years that we call 21st Century Fabrication, which amounts to a complete re-engineering of the fabrication process, from logging in inquiries and jobs, to estimating, from writing QC plans, production plans, inspection reports and schedules, to cutting parts.
Computer Network
We have over 90 computers on our network (including 3 in the shop), which makes for fast, up-to-date communications between departments. All of our drawings, calculations, layouts, and details are done digitally, and all parts are cut directly from those drawings on an NC burning table. No one in the shop lays out, or cuts anything by hand. We hold tighter tolerances, get better fits, and consequently, better welds.
Machinery & Equipment
We maintain an extensive catalog of equipment and machinery. We have plate rolling capacities of 1-1/4”x10’, 3/4”x12’ & 4-1/4x10’ and plate bending capacity of 750 T, 3/4”x14’. Every piece of equipment we own is logged in our database, physically tagged, and regularly inspected. We can locate any piece of equipment through our proprietary software in a matter of seconds.
Freeport Welding & Fabricating specializes in handling emergency turn-around jobs, quickly & efficiently. We’ll complete virtually any project without relying on outside sources for flame cutting, rolling, or bending.
All 15 of our critical processes are flow-charted, referencing thousands of documented procedures specially developed through decades of experience.
Every step of each process is documented and stored in a database on one of our servers. We have records on every Job we’ve ever completed and the capability to pull any information we need in seconds from as far back as 1985. All of our digital data is stored securely on-premise and backed up daily.
We have over 1,500 qualified weld procedures and hold ASME Code Stamps U, R, U2, & NB, meaning that our main business is fabricating pressure vessels.